01 August 2009

Nothing but the good

In a little more than two decades of living, I have had witnessed enough tragedies and accomplishments this world has ever known. A dead pope, 2 dead Philippine presidents, 2 People Revolutions, a black man in the White House, Michael Jackson dying too young and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie producing children. Waking up to the news of Cory Aquino dying is as surprising as a wet pavement on an August day. She's been suffering from cancer for almost a year and I think she, or anyone else, would have been better off dead than be confined in a hospital relying on an arsenal of machines with your family on the brink of tears every time you open your eyes. I might be a bit short of compassion but it was a tad depressing that people on the streets don't seem to project some empathy for a dead former president. I was never born to delve in Philippine politics and I may not know enough to exalt Aquino but I think we owe her some prayer or two for the people revolution. It's as bad as that hydrocephalic kid being pimped at MRT stations. I've seen him (or it might've been a her) for like two years already and I wish for nothing more than him/her to die than to be pandered around for alms. It's pathetic and it's a moot point to even question adults' alibis for such; that kid does not deserve that treatment and it would've been better if that guardian died somewhere in a gutter right about now.


My last day in the office consisted of boredom, boredom and boredom. I obediently passed my work to my colleagues, left enough emails to clients to ensure a suave transition of correspondence and cleared my clearance before 6pm. I'd like to attest that I am pretty much well loved with the card B gave me and the box carrot cup cakes that I simply adore that L promised me. The boss joked a "good riddance" comment the day before and I cannot agree more on my side of the world. She would've been a good riddance too if not for the Powers That Be that bargained her now demoted tenure for an innocent bystander. Changes will be implemented and gossip will flourish. I can't say I was not saddened by my departure but the future of being free from the company's clutches surpassed my doubts.

Work is still far from the reach of my grubby hands. I'm thinking of enrolling for a master's degree if my financial instability can support me. I am simply burned out. I don't know where to apply to despite reiterating that I would enjoy wreaking havoc in a money producing government agency. It's like being a fresh graduate all over again. Undecided and in limbo.

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