10 August 2009

Pushing and pelting

A week of indolence made me intolerable to travel already. Barely halfway to Ortigas I was already gaining a major headache and a grouchy demeanor. Perhaps the headache also rooted from a restless night of sleep but the bus travel really topped it off.

The online English tutorial center is actually a rather small room with cubicles reminding me strongly about the workplace I just left. The overall atmosphere is one of loose office rules and minding your own business. There is no interview actually, only a grammar test which I passed despite my mind off somewhere I can't reach. The recording-something which could not take place at that time will be held upon a next call up. That rather sums up that their recruitment process is as shitty as crook and I'm not that interested in coming back and wasting my precious savings on them. My feet were also killing me, the damn cheap flats I bought (I just loved the colour green) had something inside which made my left heel aching. I managed to peek at the building's directory and saw the British Council as one of the tenants. I went to their floor, inquired about a vacancy and in which the security guard informed a hapless me that they had just hired 4 new employees. I was already nearing Megamall when I realized I should've dropped off my resume with the guard vacancy or none. Anyway, if the damn tutorial company decides to call me again for another round I might go just for the sake of submitting my resume to the British Council.

In time for the baptism ceremony on Saturday, I checked Music One for my target gift: an apt CD for a baby. Apparently, not only Mozart, Beethoven and Strauss decided to expand their posthumous career towards the oldies but also other composers and musicians from Straub, Vivaldi and Schubert just to name a few. I was hoping for a Saint-Saens or a Tchaikovsky or Rachmaninoff CD for babies but there were none. There were also CDs for different occasions such as for waking up, sleeping time and pasta time, the last of which really interested me. I mean, what better way to gorge off pasta while rocking to the music of dead composers? Anyway just merely foraging around the peewee Music One had me totally tuckered. Despite the blistering sun with a whopping 32 centigrade temp, I decided to go home and have my well deserved rest.

Apparently, while I was trolling around Ortigas that noon, PES had their new manager by a person who was a former point of contact from FADV. When B mentioned it through chat I had to laugh at the simplicity of the company's solution. Perhaps E had a had in pirating the new manager who was as soft spoken as a lamb. My officemates mentioned pointedly that my voice is decibels louder than his. Oh well, he would probably exhaust his lungs by 3 months' time from the pain in the arse resuscitation of our department in the hands of a nitwit and their psychotic superior.

I got a call this early evening regarding a part-time position for training at Pharmanex, a company which has a rather not-so clean reputation from what I have gathered on the internet. The girl on the other line is either in a hurry that she has to screech every damn line she is saying or she's just plain nettling. I wouldn't mind doing another interview in Ortigas by Friday since I'm off for a celebration at MOA (fucking far for a goddamn dinner) by the evening. The problem is I have to dress up formally for the interview but I need casual clothes for the dinner. Something has got to give, then.

On the brighter side of the day, I'm already done downloading Eddie Izzard's Glorious show. Bravo. I should've downloaded Definite Article first since I believe I've watched 9 out of the 10 chopped parts of Glorious on YouTube, nonetheless it would be worth guffawing over Izzard's wackiness again. I rather miss Dress to Kill, the very first show I downloaded back then. Too sad it got erased when I reformatted my laptop when I thought I transferred the file to my iPod.

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