24 August 2009

Fuel it up

In limbo as usual, it's pretty useless to write these posts even for my own pleasure since it's all bland and plain as bread. I'm in the middle of a battle in finishing The Island of the Day Before by Umberto Eco. Despite all my proclamations for the author's capacity to encourage headache and eye strain I still forged on because hey, it's been a while to read a challenging book. Too bad my tongue ran before my body could accommodate such onus. I mean, seriously, if we'll go back to the time I last read a decent book it would be during my college years. Obviously, I've been pertaining to the death of my creative juices upon my first employment which is so shitty all my grey matter fluidly went out of my arse. It's terribly appalling and the more appalling thing is that it's taking me light years to regain what I had back then. Provided, classes for five days a week will make you push your stone towards the hill but it's no excuse, isn't it? I'm still hell bent on finishing the book before shifting towards the bookshelf-worthy ebooks I downloaded a few days back. I should probably go slow and mild again with the short stories, mythology and fables before donning a chainmail for Shakespeare and Tolstoy.

Books aside, I've finally downloaded the long desired X-Files Fight the Future album which was in tandem with the 1998 movie. I have a cassette copy of this album which is probably ruined beyond grace with all the continuous playbacks it suffered. Absolutely missed listening to the collection. Many are not satisfied actually with the album but this was one of the few albums which totally blew me away because I was still in grade 5 back then. Imagine that, I've been acquainted with Bjork for more than a decade. You should listen to some of the songs like Ween's Beacon Light and Sting & Aswad's Invisible Sun. Fucking brilliant. It simply tastes of my childhood years. It's fortunate by the way that I've nicked this torrent because I recall a few months ago I was coercing Aya to look it for me too. Luck's shining on me this time for this so I'm not being selfish so I'm seeding it.

These past few nights I've been having a highly imaginative and colorful bunch of lucid dreams. They are lucid enough for me to know that it's still playing in my brain while I'm on the brink of waking up before dragging me back to sleep. The most memorable would have to be like two days ago. It was me and my other 3 college friends aboard the MV Princess of the Stars. Oh, pretty fucking incredulous but I'm not fibbing. The ship unlike the real one is pretty nice and new, something like a Super Ferry although I haven't been in one so this is pure assumption. Anyway, it definitely went down and lo and behold, I managed to convince myself and my 2 friends to jump off the ship before it totally turned around. Beth's got a starring role in it for dragging me down the water while trying to save her, similar to what she did back in our swimming class. The next thing I knew we were saved by a small ferry with Julius Babao sitting a few feet from us typing on his laptop; not before Cors catching me trying to forage a bag for money (how barbaric of me) for our survival. To think Cors glared at me; I should've left her inside for her to drown. Haha. Anyway we had moored on an unknown province which totally did not look like a port but what the hell, we went to a nearby mall and ate at the food court. It's pretty twisted already and that's saying something. Now then, bring out your Freud's Interpretation of Dreams and let's see if we arrived at the same conclusion.

Of course before I forgot, a big belated happy birthday to Cors! One of the few snotty people whom I can protract my patience for. That's how much I love her. So there.

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