17 July 2009

Goodness, I'm stuck

If not for this damn old laptop saving my consigned arse to hell during thesis days, I would've thrown this in the blink of an eye. It's pretty useless already and too slow for my taste although of course I can still surf pretty much anything except watching videos. I'm updating my Ubuntu for the millionth time and I am hoping to the heavens above that this will be finished come morning. According to the update manager it still has a remaining 1 hour and 33 minutes for the 3rd of the 6 processes needed to accomplish the upgrade. Huh.

I don't know if the typhoon's moving out by tomorrow but I am rather hoping since I need to check the damn school for my civil service exam tomorrow morning. I'm sleepy as hell but I need to monitor the damn update first for awhile before I drop dead in my bed. Beth and I strolled around the mall earlier after the boss gave the signal to go home an hour before our regular dismissal. Yey. Very accommodating, yes? Well that's what happens when the boss is trying to save their own hide; never mind the people under their supervision suffering from the consequences of their boot-licking tendency.

Oh I was compelled to buy a Chapstick because for the past few days I could not even laugh properly without my lips cracking and blood drooling. I hate the cold weather and the disaster it brings to my body, lips included. Burt's Bee lip balm's price is soaring skyward and I could not afford to throw 300 bucks for a tube of it. Anyhoo Chapstick's not doing me any good. It's greasy as hell, has an aftertaste and it still won't moisturize my lips the way a lip balm should. It's just unfortunate that I could not find Carmex here in the country and the next best thing for me is BBs.

Ah, joder.

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