24 July 2009

Savour the flavour

As much as I would love to see my superiors biting the dust a few days before I hit the axe, I am now befuddled as to where my resignation might bring me to. Sure the operations review held some amazing results and it was all capitalized "SUCK IT UP LOSERS" but with the HR Director gone I don't know to whom I can run to do my clearance. Perhaps to that hot flashing Finance Manager or the left behind, downright stupid whore of an assistant who loves to suck it up to the bosses? I don't really know. My back pay is still light years away from my grubby hands I'm sure. It would've been better if I were part of that retrenchment batch with the package. Nonetheless it was a brilliant move that the Powers That Be had never imagined. It has shaken up the tree of dependency in the company but I'm sure with all the cost cutting done barely within 2 months, luck will bring forth a bunch of fresh faces and disease-free employees.

I skipped office today since I am downright tired and sick of loafing in the office again. The workload has died down and I've been merely reading tons of gossip and fanfiction online. The tension in the department is palpable enough to make our paranoid boss well, more paranoid. It's pathetic. Monday will be the start of my last week with them. I have never felt more excited than this, personal financial crisis be damned. An officemate mentioned to me earlier that the top boss will meet with our department before 6pm. Alas, the one thing I have been looking forward to is going to happen without me in it. The sad thing is our own boss will be with us all the way. Obviously, would it be possible for the staff to be able to speak freely without their boss breathing down their necks? I thought so.

21 July 2009

Ma Yogi Bear (23 avril 2009 - 21 juillet 2009)

Mom brought her to the vet early this morning because she was already too weak. Vet said even if she were to be confined, she might still not make it. Mom sent me a text a few minutes before lunch informing me that Yogi's dead. I thought it was a joke, which is often the case whenever one of our dogs is sick. I called up mom and her crying and mumbling more than confirmed what I feared; I have never seen nor heard my mom mourn like that. I had to slide down the wall and clench my jaw to stop myself from weeping. I lost the energy to work which led to my undertime.

It sucks. She is the 3rd female pup that died in our house.

19 July 2009

To live and die for music

C'est saison de meme! I'm just plain bored. I slept like a sealed pharaoh for 3 hours and I was rather hoping that it would've continued until morning however obviously, was not the case.

Nicked this from Lante then posted this on my old blog back in 2007 then I'm trying for better luck this time.

On vas!

Here’s how it works:
1. Open your library like iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod and so forth.
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. For every question, type the song that’s playing.
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button.
6. Don’t lie and try to pretend you’re cool. (Yes, however I can press the next button again if it stops by my French lessons obviously. I don't think anyone can benefit from me yakking about the difference between peux and veux, yes?)

Can I like put this meme on all of my Muse songs only? No? Fine but if I get songs from my sister's side of my music chest I'm going to strangle her. Feel free to get this, after all it's for everyone's enjoyment.

On vas!

1. Opening Credits: Save it for Later - Splender - The Best of Splender
Haven't heard of this song from the band yet although I love their melody.

2. Waking Up: Risingson - Massive Attack - Mezzanine
Love MA as much as I love Faithless. They produce a cooler aura-like environment whenever I listen to them. First time to hear this too, I prefer 100th Window.

3. First Day at School: Mutante Médiatiques - Prototypes - Génération Française 6
One of the cool songs of GF6. I actually like this and it's just now that I now the title since whenever I listen to this album it's always on the road with me trying to sleep.

4. Falling in Love: Waltz no. 9 in A Flat Major op.69/1, "L'adieu" - Mozart - Kleine Stüke Großer Meister
One of my favourite pieces on this album because I can hum with it. However with it being part of L'adieu I don't think it's apt to be in this "falling in love" category.

5. Fight Song: Thoughts of a Dying Atheist - Muse - Absolution
Not really one of my favorite songs of this album although it's catchy and I like the lyrics. I would've preferred Plug In Baby for a fight song.

6. Breaking Up: Home (live) - Elliott Yamin - American Idol Season 5
I like Elliott way back from the AI season; I can't say anything about this category though since I haven't endured such travesty as of date.

7. Prom: D'you Know What I Mean - Oasis - Be Here Now
Not really that fond of Oasis although with my trend based on how I like music artists, they should be one of my faves by merely checking Liam and Noel Gallagher's ego heights. Prom, in addition, was not that special although my friends and I back in high school thoroughly enjoyed panning our classmates and fomenting gossip.

8. Life’s Ok: Amazing - Kanye West feat. Young Jeezy - 808s & Heartbreak
Finally, a perfect match. Love this song and I'm in love with the then-rapper now-singer Kanye. Admittedly, I haven't listened past this track on his latest album. I've always been selective of his songs and I simply consider College Dropout one of the best albums in the universe. I'm exhausted, barely breathing/Holding on to what I believe in~

9. Mental Breakdown: I Don't Want To Be - Gavin de Graw - Chariot Stripped
Anna initially introduced me to Gavin de Graw back in college and I liked him for the reason that he's not like any other pimp like John Mayer (who loves cheesy double entendres--you're body is a wonderland? goodness) and he's not that famous in the country. Anna got a copy of this album with the toned down songs in the Stripped version. I absolutely adore his A Change Is Gonna Come version.

10. Driving: Crestfallen - Smashing Pumpkins - Ava Adore
I still owe Billy Corgan & Co. some hours of dedication to their music. Just by listening to their eponymous first single of the album, I think it already justified why it's one of the best albums the Pumpkins produced. Dark, electronica with Corgan's signature wailing.

11. Flashback: Alejate - Josh Groban - Josh Groban
Is this Italian? I couldn't even be buggered to check what language Groban is crooning. It's a perfect song to go maudlin, I'd say. Soothing with the barrier of not knowing the lyrics for one to interpret it the way it merely sounds.

12. Getting Back Together: Your Soul Today - Chris Cornell - Carry On
I can forgive any wrongdoing Cornell had even with his cheesy line from Heaven's Dead. I still think he's better off with Audioslave than as a single artist though.

13. Wedding: Mondo Bongo - Joe Strummer & the Mescaleros - Mr. & Mrs. Smith Original Soundtrack
Appropriate if you want that spicy, somewhat sadomasochistic type of relationship. I like the film because the tension and the spark are there and it's a no brainer movie and I get to see Brad's bum. What more can you ask for?

14. Birth of a Child: Alive - Pearl Jam - MTV Unplugged
I think it's perfect in a haunting and sublimated form considering it's Vedder's lifestory.

15. Death Scene: Save Tonight - Eagle-Eye Cherry - Desireless
If you're of the same age range as I am and you grew up as an MTV baby then you would've recognized this song in an instant. I adored this way back and I've always considered Eagle-Eye as a cool artist.

16. Funeral Song: Lightning Crashes - Live - The Very Best of MTV Unplugged
I'm not that fond of this song despite many Live fans disagreeing to it, however I appreciate the sentiment Ed Kowalczyk's masterpiece.

17. End Credits: Time is Running Out - Muse - Absolution
Because I am in love with Matt Bellamy at the moment, they deserve two slots in this meme. Have you seen the video for this song? He cleans up nicely and he's fucking sexy as hell atop the table. Dom looks dapper with his old hairdo. First time I loved this song was the live version in their HAARP concert, when I listened to the studio version I was totally blown away by Matt's suave voice.

Oh I'm not familiar with half of the songs picked here. I got more than 3,000 songs but I only listen to a third of it or something.

18 July 2009

Cracking no more

I came home late last night from an infuriating and energy-sapping reunion my mom and her long standing officemates held. Apparently, my godparents from the States just came back to process some papers and my mom and other set of godparents saw it fit to have a reunion and bring their offspring with them. Sure, it's good to see my godparents--I got some bucks and chocolates--but the excruciating half day of gossip from the women's side and apparently their husbands' side (since dad and my godfathers are all chums) I was left to make chitchat with another left-in-the-corner-child. I initially was dubious about joining my mom since I felt exhausted from the moment I woke up but knowing her nagging capabilities, she would've skinned me alive if I was not able to meet up my long-seen godparents; to think we're still in the middle of a tiff which generated a much longed silence in the house. I had a great time chomping on sugpo which left me itching without an anti-allergy med at hand. After much stilted conversation about first job blues we were ushered upstairs to take a nap which we both needed. She, because she just got back from her call centre work and I, because after field checking the school at Proj.4 for my civil service exam next week and being stuck in Gateway due to the damn rain, was petered out. It just so happens that before I got to the almost-dilapidated high school I was weakly accosted by a codger in the jeep who apparently wants my number and name and give it to someone he knows abroad so I can have a good life just like his kids. Oh and lest I forget, I could have an American husband (because according to him, Americans are fond of lovely Filipinas. I don't know if I should be insulted that I might look like a Pinay bimbo in my shirt and jeans or the octogenarian merely based his implications on his standard). In the vernacular, nearly-there bugaw was what had happened. It wasn't freaky as it was amusing because it's been a long time since I tried mapping out on my own and having a weird conversation or two with a stranger.

Anyway after returning to the mall, I decided to take out a meal from Burger King and decidedly checked lip balms at Beauty Bar. Curse the country for not importing Carmex now that I need it the most. Very fortunate though that I spotted a huddle of lip balms on a table which is beeswax based (the very thing I've been looking for) and half the price of the goddamn Burt's Bee lip balm which upped its price to almost 40% (so fuck them and capitalization). Good thing it's effective as Burt's Bee although it lacks the mint and the aftertaste, although not as good as BB's, is leaps better than of Chapstick.

17 July 2009

Goodness, I'm stuck

If not for this damn old laptop saving my consigned arse to hell during thesis days, I would've thrown this in the blink of an eye. It's pretty useless already and too slow for my taste although of course I can still surf pretty much anything except watching videos. I'm updating my Ubuntu for the millionth time and I am hoping to the heavens above that this will be finished come morning. According to the update manager it still has a remaining 1 hour and 33 minutes for the 3rd of the 6 processes needed to accomplish the upgrade. Huh.

I don't know if the typhoon's moving out by tomorrow but I am rather hoping since I need to check the damn school for my civil service exam tomorrow morning. I'm sleepy as hell but I need to monitor the damn update first for awhile before I drop dead in my bed. Beth and I strolled around the mall earlier after the boss gave the signal to go home an hour before our regular dismissal. Yey. Very accommodating, yes? Well that's what happens when the boss is trying to save their own hide; never mind the people under their supervision suffering from the consequences of their boot-licking tendency.

Oh I was compelled to buy a Chapstick because for the past few days I could not even laugh properly without my lips cracking and blood drooling. I hate the cold weather and the disaster it brings to my body, lips included. Burt's Bee lip balm's price is soaring skyward and I could not afford to throw 300 bucks for a tube of it. Anyhoo Chapstick's not doing me any good. It's greasy as hell, has an aftertaste and it still won't moisturize my lips the way a lip balm should. It's just unfortunate that I could not find Carmex here in the country and the next best thing for me is BBs.

Ah, joder.

15 July 2009

Not so dapper

I'm merely dashing through this because I'm not in the mood to sleep myself off as early as possible which is my usual weekday routine. I was supposed to drop by Booksale in the mall but the FX didn't pass through the backside so I'll just visit the shop when the opportunity presents itself readily. Anyway I'm not counting my remaining days at the office but I think my officemates are, some I know are not out of malice. Of course the 31st is pretty threatening what with my meager savings in the last minute which can hardly make me breathe properly until I get another paycheck that is.

I'm considering picking another book tonight or tomorrow morning; my mini bookshelf is just beside my bed and I can easily run my fingers through them in a snap. I'm actually thinking of Stevenson's Kidnapped and trying my best not to scowl whenever I see Beckett. Seriously, I love the French people but their intellectual wantonness is a bit disheartening especially for someone like me who just got back to reading. Bolix went online last weekend--the perpetrator of Beckett--and immediately whined about the author. Oh he's patient enough to laugh it off and suggest I can go back to Harry Potter which I countered with a possible Eco return. I think First Love and other Novellas is the... 3rd or 4th book I've abandoned and it's not even my philosophy to ignore one in the middle of a reading. The thickness of the book also matters in my choice because I seriously am not inclined to carry a hardbound everyday to the office unlike Twilight fans (jeezy creezy!) although it would be a nice thing to whack shitty MRT passengers. Heh.

There's another Nike Golf sale at the building and I'm kind of eyeing the black shoulder bag which has a ridiculous price tag. I'm itching for it but I think I have to buy another pair of flats first. Ugh, financial matters are downright hell. C and B are finally talking again I think, fortunately. Someone invited the other at the Cinemalaya premiere with my encouragement that Piolo Pascual will be there for his film Manila. I'm hoping to catch Independencia although it's futile to hope since I will have my civil service exam by the 26th.


12 July 2009

I will (never) be good

I woke up too early for my own taste; something to do with my monthly dues as the weaker sex. Ha. I took a bath finally after being stuck in limbo yesterday. That signifies how dead tired I am if I couldn't even be buggered to drag my sorry arse in the bathroom. So here I am slime and dust free and still feeling shitty. As always. It's not like there's something to do in this godforsaken house when the warring tension is near its breaking point.

Anyway C (I know she can read this and it's not as if she'll throw a tantrum for this, right?) is starting to unnerve me with her god-related aura blasting miles away. By all means I respect religion and all associated values to it despite being a self-disowned Catholic. I can't say I'm an atheist or an agnostic for that matter, it's just that trying to live without someone breathing down your neck and counting the good and the bad is a very interesting way of life. I don't think I need to go to church every week to help other people or say 'thank you' and 'I'm sorry' when required. I throw trashes in the garbage can properly, I try not to be obnoxious to those who deserve it and so on. The dharma-karma belief system is more appropriate in my current lifestyle I think. Karma has a broad meaning but Filipinos tag it as a consequence of a wrongdoing; Richard mentioned that it is an immediate consequence like when you steal something someone could catch you for the crime. I disagree to that notion since in my own stubborn opinion karma builds up like a lava erupting when the right moment comes. As a matter of fact, I can attest to such situation with the ongoing at the office right now. I maybe a woman but I wasn't born with enough compassion to hand out forgiveness like a high five. I hold grudges perfectly and I cuss at every turn I want. I obviously am no saint and I wholly accept it. Carpe diem right? There's a difference between acting out the insane impulses and having a nasty coagulated personality. Anyway I can only cackle and sneer at those people are suffering from their own corruption. Come on, I maybe ruthless but I don't believe in torture. I want a sudden and unexpected right hook to come their way. It would assure that the person cannot even think properly before shit hits them. It's a wonderful form of karma I'd say. I'm not beyond hitting below the belt when I feel like it. Is that cruelty? Sure but it's an ant bite compared to the overall mass of sins our race has had accumulate. I'd always recall Izzard's spiel on his Glorious tour about a dog being caught nicking a cookie and its master calling him out 'bad dog'. Dog became incredulous and inquired how human beings have incited genocide, pillage, and rape amongst other things while it only took a cookie and he was considered bad? Of course when you put it that way, it was a puny yet effective argument. People tend to deprecate Darwin for the notion that human beings came from apes yet have these people even read a portion of the Origin of Species or is it merely hearsay? It's pathetic. It's downright pathetic that we are at this point of the evolution; we are shitty enough to create religion, philosophy, technology and laws but we are not better than those from the Pleistocene Age. Yes now of course humans are naturally kind or so Kant or Heidegger once proclaimed but the goodness of the acts is still somehow connected to the rooted evil in our minds. No, I didn't have a brilliant grade in philosophy so bugger off, yes?

Anyway I don't even know what has gotten into me to even rant this. It's probably my suppressed aggression which will be a topic for another time. Back to reality, I uninstalled and installed Pidgin again but it still won't work properly. Fuck it. I really appreciate Ubuntu but there are times... or I can just throw this laptop and be done with it. Then I won't have something to put my private files on and I'll be buggered for the rest of my unemployment tenure. My iPod's dead and the charger is just a few meters away but I'm too lazy to even snatch it. Weekend should be Muse free to an extent that I will miss Matt so I will be Musing for the rest of the weekdays. Ha. Good tactic I should dare say.

My internet just got clipped. WTH. It's a good thing I transferred this on the notepad. My brain will probably combust if I try to analyze what's causing this shitty disruption. Fucktastic. Now it will force me to stand up.

11 July 2009

For the love of something

Back in the days when I still had the adrenaline rush to write tons of things, I used to fill my blog up with memes. It's a French word if you'd like to know. It's means 'same'. Anyway, I nicked this from my old blog for the same purpose. I can't talk about my life the same way before because there is nothing left to talk about. Life is shitty after college. Unless I go back to school or join the peace corps to Uzbekistan or something.

1. What time did you get up this morning? Morning? Afternoon maybe, around 2 pm.

2. Diamonds or pearls? I'd say both although I dislike wearing any form of jewelry except watches.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Memories of Matsuko from Eiga Sai 2009. Just last night avec Richard.

4. What is your favourite TV show? Right now? None. We haven't had cable tv for years now so it's futile to pick decent local shows.

5. What do you usually have for breakfast? During weekdays, anything set on the table by early morning. For weekends, none. I usually jump to lunch already.

6. Favourite cuisine? Filipino food's great although I'm not that fond of ma-sarsa. Any pasta is lovely.

7. What is your middle name? A Spanish C.

8. What food do you dislike? Chinese! God I hate those. I wouldn't spend my money on dumplings and the like. I hate the oil and the sauces.

9. What is your favourite CD at the moment? I love Muse's everything although I am very, very fond of H.A.A.R.P. at the moment.

10. What kind of car do you drive? I don't have any.

11. Favourite sandwich? I usually eat plain bread but I like peanut butter and mayonnaise; not at the same time of course.

12. What characteristic do you despise? For men, lacking the gentleman sense. For women, pandering to the stereotype of being weak. For anyone, indifference to hygiene.

13. Favourite item of clothing? Anything? I'm not particularly choosy. I love wearing shirts and jeans with my sneakers.

14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? I'd visit and hide in Europe until I die. Seriously. Top 3 would be France, Spain, Germany. France because I can practice my French. Spain so I can live in Madrid and be a full fledged Madridista. Germany because the country is spacious.

15. What colour is your bathroom? Err white.

16. Favourite brand of clothing? Divisoria for shirts. I prefer branded jeans since they have better durability although nothing too fancy like True Religion. As for shoes Chuck Taylors are ok but I love the comfortable fit of Cortez.

17. Where would you retire to? I probably would rusticate although I would love to grow old in Europe.

18. What was your most recent memorable birthday? Every year is pretty memorable until the month ends and I realize it's like any other birthday I've had.

19. Favourite sport to watch? Football of course. I like tennis and golf too, I try to keep up to date on these. On the minor side, I like watching any form of swimming (diving, synchronized, etc) and gymnastics.

20. Furthest place you are sending this? To another galaxy I hope.

21. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? No one.

22. Person you expect to send it back first? No one.

23. Favourite saying? La betise insiste toujours. Now that's got a special meaning to me already, lol.

24. When is your birthday? Sometime near Christmas.

25. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night person I think. I love to stay up all night and do bisyo.

26. What is your shoe size? 7 or 8 sometimes. Depends on the brand.

27. Pets? 1 cat, 2 dogs and 2 pups. God help us.

28. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? I'm gonna be jobless by August!

29. What did you want to be when you were little? A doctor. I'm still hoping now that I'm old enough.

30. How are you today? A bit woozy. My vegetarian weekend is put on hold since I ate beef and pork.

31. What is your favourite candy? Never really liked candies especially when I started my braces.

32. What is your favourite flower? Never liked floras, blame it on the allergy.

33. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? All non-working holidays and of course Christmas.

10 July 2009

There's no one like you in the universe

"Life is defined not by what we receive but what we give" - Memories of Matsuko (Kiraware no Matsuko issho)

How do you cope when from the very beginning you are not favoured by your own father? Thus Matsuko's downtrodden and despairing tale of living is described in Nakashima Tetsuya's 2006 film. Forced to quit teaching due to a complicated mess of her student's stunt in a petty act of larceny, Matsuko breaks down from the pressure at home. Then followed by the more than an hour long description of the consequences of her downfall I can't help but psychoanalyze Matsuko's problem rooted from her father's indifference due to her younger and sickly sister. It's the typical elektra complex for the film setting. Lightened by the sudden insertions of musical variety (read: Feeling Good - Matt won't stop hounding us) that sprouted the infamous nursery rhyme of some sort from her childhood, the film both emphasizes and mellows the sincerity of the film's meaning. Matsuko who all she ever wanted was to ease her student's burden of stealing, to loving men not worthy of what she can offer and the family that turned their backs on her because of a sudden fall out with her sickly yet still devoted sister. And in between these are her unexpected (mis)adventures in a prison with an ex-convict now pornstar, a tenure at a massage parlour and her bouts of face twister which often leads her to more unintentional trouble.

Miki Nakatani seriously deserved the Best Actress award for breaking a strong and self fulfilled woman trying to expiate for the sins she did not deserve. She carried the whole film all throughout from the haunting scenes of bruises to the limited happiness brought by vicariousness. She was an unsuspecting circe and almost prodigal daughter that turned her world and the people in it sideways even after the unexpected but not far-flung excuse to end the film. The visual effects gave enough supplementary force to exude a poignant air from the snow covered grounds outside the prison, the odd animations that were aptly put to the forlorn orange of the dusk-reflected river where Matsuko let her memories flow away and where her nephew, years later found a new strength in life (with the comical exit of her ex-girlfriend joining the peace corps in Uzbekistan).

I adored the film to an extent that I am familiar with the unconventional Japanese way of delivering entertainment (read: anime and manga). I think as it is considered an Asian film it could fit better with Filipinos' sense of sympathy craving tendencies. With a running time of 130 minutes however, by the second half of the film it slowly crawled to a wearisome display of her ruined life; to a point, it gets predictable. It's a light film with a darker undertone; jaded and dog eared story that would pull on the strings of people's emotions.

And yes, Pinoys would dig this.


On the other side, I finally got my Liverpool scarf straight from London. David met up with me earlier and regaled me about the Parisian life and experiencing La Joconde 20 metres away. My allergy is eating me up it's getting pathetic. Remind myself to buy meds tomorrow.

05 July 2009

Rolling on

Since I can only watch videos every weekend, I checked Kaka's presentation on YouTube which made me drop my mouth in awe. It's fantastic, the tons of Madridistas that supported and welcomed Kaka who can speak in several languages fluently and the unexpected and vicarious thrill I got upon watching it. I can't say the same for Cristiano Ronaldo though and yes, I know that if it is for the good of Real Madrid I will tone down my scorn for him.

Anyway I finally finished downloading H.A.A.R.P. and I am totally blown away by Muse's performance and the stunningly beautiful visual effects. To think I'm barely halfway through the whole performance. I just wish they would drop by in the country, I wouldn't mind selling my soul to get a front row ticket and see Matt up close.

04 July 2009

Not so lovely

The only thing that can distract me from Musing is Eddie Izzard. Long live the Brits, I'd say. It's not like I have a certain hatred for Americans because hey, it gave me Metallica, Angelina Jolie and Kanye West although the last two are not entirely pure Americans. I am probably just more amazed how Europeans can be real geniuses whether in art or music. Anyway I'm not so into taking all the things I've been through this week because I'm fucking petered out of my brains I can't even cough properly. Anyway the drama in the office is at it's peak with the commencement of the thorough operations review that had everyone (read: the higher ups) in jitters. The reports are stacking up with the goddamn 148 cases we've just submitted last Friday; as it turns out we have to do the employment check now instead of the usual reputational check.

Anyway, Richard and I are going to Eiga Sai 2009 which is the Japanese Film Festival. Just like the French Film Fest, it will be held at the Shang Cineplex pro bono. You just have to endure the queue because apparently even rich people like to take advantage of free art films and have something to murmur over cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. I'll probably take the Friday off by going to DFA for the required appearance for my passport application then go directly to Shangrila Mall for the film fest. It's the least I could do to stop my brain from melting and to prevent an eye transplant. It's not like I can learn something new about proofreading reports, right? Right then, of course I can't wait for July to be over. That means the end of my employment and despite the sudden cessation of financial support which can be easily translated as being poor. Again.

Yes, well, see you at Eiga Sai 2009.