19 July 2010

Ra-ra-rant! Rant!

I'll probably be stuck in the house for the rest of the week since office work can be done through emails and chat. My TOR's ready for pick up though so I'll drop by school tomorrow and submit it to the uni. Yvette's banning me from their house so there's no point loitering around Manila area unless I'm compelled to have a Quiapo stop over for some weird things/DVDs or something. Anyway, Cors is on her way back to the country today. It's too unfortunate that most Spain WC items are sold out; at least she still bought me a memorabilia; that Sergio Ramos Spain NT shirt will be in my grubby hands by my birthday. Then we'll spare enough time on Friday to watch Inception. It's a good thing though that I don't have to even exert effort to fend off film reviews and trailers, probably because most of my buddies have yet to see it too. I've seen the trailer when I saw Shutter Island which was months ago but I couldn't recall it. Those posters along Edsa are seductive to a fault. I can't get enough of them.

My right ankle is still bothering me but not so much that it requires immediate medical attention. Just little spears of pain at some angles which can be minimized though I hate it that I'm learning not to put too much pressure on that foot whenever my body's under duress. In all likelihood this might just be a big blinking signal for me to start exercising but I've never been an exercise junkie so try harder, body. My right index finger tremor also disappeared thank heavens for that. It was a hell to trying to sleep and feeling that finger involuntarily moving; besides, there's this slight numbness on that finger whenever that happens and I'm such a paranoid I hate the slightest discomfort from my body. I'm no hypochondriac though; heaven knows how much I hate feeling weak.

As for sports, there's enough World Cup withdrawal for me to turn a blind eye on the Open Championship. And it's been years since I've watched majors, and just as well with tennis. Back to football, the 2010/2011 season will kick off in August so there's enough time to get my bearings back and see what kind of fuckery Real Madrid will go into in another two months or so.

Oh I actually installed Kubuntu along with my Ubuntu. There are some glitches I'd like to polish such as my theme which is more for Gnome and the tons of doubled programs which I'll have to hide. I've yet to find anything cool or worthy with KDE; activating Kate's taking pretty long and so far, that's the only app I'm into since it has more settings than gedit. I'm giving KDE a week or month-long leeway though for all the trouble I've gone through to install it (in the wee hours of the morning that is). My mouth's all to be blamed for this though. I couldn't just keep my trap shut enough not to question the difference between Gnome and KDE because I'm not going to lie, Gnome's more for an end-user's vices and whatnots and flashy apps while according to Aya, KDE's moulded for a student's usage. That's my kind of thing to be honest but I've yet to see cool KDE apps to equate  that description. So far, after a year or so of continuous usage Ubuntu's living up to my needs and wants. Tarballs still make me go crazy but other than that, I've no reason to complain about them compared to my predicaments with Windows back then. And it's not like I left the world of Microsoft at all; I'm practically surrounded by XP and Vista in the house and at the office so I still know the twist and turns of Microsoft.

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