31 May 2010

Flipping the bees

There's no point denying the automatic reaction of malicious thought when there's no other reaction left to describe the situation. It would've been better if I were not in the same room, in the same bed they were sleeping, and oh pardon, cuddling/spooning all throughout the night. And if it weren't bad enough for my half asleep, downright exhausted brain to process, they had to continuously murmur like fucking lovebirds on a honeymoon without considering a third party sensing their every move. Could the said parties not get over the fact that he is our boss, twice our age, has a loving family miles away while she is a recent single mother who probably has some form of attachment to older men because she's been lacking a father figure for like two decades? Do these facts even matter? I mean, it leaves me all bugged eyed since everything happened so fast; to think I rarely go to office nowadays, but could still see the development of more inappropriate touches and smiles they shoot each other. Obviously, I'm not the only one running with the same line of thinking and I'm not all loath to say that I'd rather stay away from them lest the problem balloons into some form of scandal. I doubt that kind of story would dissipate from the department easily when there are tons of wolfish civilian employees straying around the very department we are in just waiting for the right gossips to pounce on. I'm not sure if there's even a good thing out of the fact that he's going abroad by July and she's going to linger in the department either with her reputation festering or her pride breaking down first in another five months or so.


I've never been fond of Subic and that might as well be cemented with the fact that the beach resort we went to was pathetic to the highest degree a summer vacation could offer. The shore length itself is shorter than 500 metres, and the atrocious proximity the shore has with the cottages could make you sit there in the shade and pray for the day to be over. The additional sight of ship factories across the horizon invalidates the idea of a rather clean sea water to rave about. With the shower room at its tackiest, and if it weren't for the fact that I was beyond sweating bullets I would've skipped a dip in the waters.

I was also forced to go to Zoobic Safari where they had boasted of the tiger safari and sky high ticket prices. The two hour and half trip was a waste of time and money, at least for me. It's never meant to be an entertainment for adults. All I could think of was pity for the confined animals and the notable heat of the afternoon. It had left most of us drained and irritated until dinner was served. The only boon I could think of from this outing was the Nike and Adidas factory outlet where I bought two shirts for just a grand. And also, the very disappointment I felt for that beach trip fired up a late summer beach escapade with my buddies preferably somewhere with better resort services and sights.

Anyway, I've been doing item analysis for like two weeks already and I'm pretty relieved to say I'm almost there. I've done the computation and I'm only waiting for the item discrimination and difficulty indices to determine if half of the craptastic items I was forced to examine were still salvageable. I rather hope not and the project members can complain at the injustice of it all for all I care.

Yvette just sent me a text telling me that she could spare me a treat by watching Salt at Rockwell. Better yet, I preferred a dinner treat since I'm pretty sure the bill's going to be more expensive than a single movie ticket. She agreed and hopefully she'll remember it before June ends. Speaking of June, I'm still not convinced it's barely two weeks to go before World Cup commences. I have yet to chat Anna and find a proper schedule and bar for us to celebrate some of the games; I'm still hoping we could see the opening ceremony before getting seats for the semis and final. I'm all for Spain, Germany and Netherlands here. It will be a cold day in hell before I can stand seeing USA in the finals.

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