05 March 2010

Spearing ahead

I haven't seen the project manager for so long I forgot how downright off, annoying and a step away from bragging his non-existent genius. That instant of having a dementia obviously gave away the fact that I've decided to take up the project as an on call researcher for a few months. It's a given that project manager won't be attending most of the weekly meetings, which shall extend my respite on officers who think just because they get to dirty their hands with blood and mud, that they also know the whole fart science of the universe. He just had to appear yesterday, and then decided that he had enough time to spare me a high mass on how to organize and construct useless thoughts about the summit. I had to suffer a poker face for almost an hour without trying to appear having a bite of levity. I might as well be the project manager for all the organization, documentation and sincerity I've put up for the project. The good thing out of this project is acquainting with the psychologists/civilian employees who bear enough reason to have enough healthy neurons that stir, proved on every meeting. It would not be a big problem if I decided to take up a practicum at the hospital since I'm already rubbing elbows with the head of psychiatry. Other than that, the entire project, as I've just fully realize without the constant plea of mental denial, is an epic failure. The team is only throwing two million bucks to try and revise the aptitude test, which has a passing and failing rule. Goodness, those OTAG people who had decided that an aptitude test should have a passing rate, chop the subtests from eight to three, and ignore the fund for revision every two years obviously didn't see the light of taking the test itself. They would not have the capacity to hold high positions if they were. That said, my contract is still hanging in the air since CPAD chief is in Cebu for some workshop or something. I'm not going to even delve over the futile aspect of nicking additional moolah over the martinet project manager.

My Bleach addiction all but faded into the ether after getting a measly, pathetic job this month. I miss having a great laugh over the omakes but from what Mark has told me, the anime and manga are still in the miserable stage of not knowing how to get a pinch out of Aizen. I seriously need a protagonist or two to die to achieve some maturity, and stop trying to lunge at Aizen unprepared. Naruto's plot, in the mean time, is having the time of its career with Naruto and Sasuke facing it off this week. Mark apparently didn't take my order of going online to chat about it seriously so I have to take it up on myself to check the latest chapter. Sasuke's apparently doing a damn good job of flying off the handle over Konoha. Can he at least cut off Naruto's arm or something? No, I don't think so. Naruto's not owned by CLAMP for the matter. Besides, Kakashi is the acting Hokage at the moment, and it kind of suits my favoured OTP right now. Who else is better paired with Kakashi other than Iruka?

On my telly program related news, I'm all for Siobhan Magnus and Lilly Scott. Siobhan totally slayed Aretha's Think. Her high note was a bit too pitchy for me but her technique is way better than Adam Lambert's. Lilly reminds me a lot of Bjork and her idiosyncrasies. Not to say that Lilly's that unhinged like Bjork, but she has a quirky style. I'm not paying attention to the boys. The judges, I think, are favouring that Aaron kid who will only look like a second rate David Archuleta if ever he has the guts to step up to the game.

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