04 February 2010

Sweet Pool

Okay, so I've discovered the fucked up world of Sweet Pool. It's a BL game with lovely CG animation and twisted characters by Nitro+ Chiral. It's gory and scary in a general sense but if you're used to the twisted humor and ingenuity of the Japanese folks then this is pure cake walk. I've been inured from that kind of treatment after watching Evangelion and X/1999. It takes  more than a pheromone releasing, pretty Youji and the grunt-man Tetsuo to make me go crazy. I haven't played the game but here's an amazing story summary by [info]rahenna that is pure fun to read.


kurandera said...

OMG!You just made my day.I hope Sweet Pool has an animated version!

Fancykidshooting said...

I highly doubt it but they have a drama CD in Jap, though. :)