29 January 2010

Soul Society update!

Bleach is taking over my life, obviously. Lammy's the only one whom I can rant and worship characters with endlessly; at least I can vent out the Bleach mania. We both adore Kuchiki Byakuya for different reasons. While we both agree that he is all powerful and his bankai is nothing to be ashamed of (seriously, Zabimaru?), I'm all for pairing him with Ichigo no matter how much of a crack pairing it is seen. But as much as I put Byakuya on a pedestal, the 11th squad is the best and the most fun-filled squad amongst the thirteen. Yachiru spitting on Ikkaku's pachinko-ball head is just the start of continuous hilarity. I love Zaraki Kenpachi, too, by no small means. I just wish he would discover his bankai before the manga finishes so he'll be all invincible. Just imagine that; he can probably pawn Ichigo in his sleep.

I skipped several episodes because Lam kept drilling me about the damn fillers, and fillers they were; nearly forty of them for heaven's sake! That's like a year long stagnation to make the original script with the manga run smoothly. So they inserted the Bounto arc which I decided to skip except for the three episodes where Byakuya and Ichigo fought with Kariya. That was lovely and very inspiring. I can just imagine the two of them having a lovers' tiff even in the middle of a freaking fight and still win. That's taking foreplay to another level. Anyhow, back to the episodes. I skipped from episode 68, I think, and jumped to the main storyline around episode 110. The problem with me, according to Lam is that I read too much spoilers online (through fanfics and Bleach Wiki) so the surprise element is not that felt. I can't help it! But for some reason, even if I already knew from the start, I seriously didn't see Isshin suddenly slashing the Grand Fisher in the middle of the night bearing a captain's haori as a sash. He obviously still has his captain class intuition if he were able to detect that Ichigo was having a stilted conversation with Shinji while Kon was being pummelled around Karakura by the Grand Fisher in a pseudo-Arrancar stage. Aizen's on the move, already. Gah! Oh my god, I can already see Grimmjow on the 116th episode. Crap, I know I have to be at the dentist by nine tomorrow because I've been skipping appointments for nearly two months now but I have to watch him. Now.

I think I should thank Bleach too for making me write something passable for a new fic. It's not weighed to be a comeback fic but I'm hoping my Bleach muse will stem out continuously until I drive myself to death with Byakuya/Ichigo fics. There's the chance too of taking up the manga sometime this weekend if I can. All the better if I can keep up with the manga and anime to see other details.

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