13 January 2010

Drumming keys

My brain was running 250 mph last night that I couldn't even think of even sleeping even when it was late enough for sleep. I turned on my laptop and hailed inspiration in writing a capsule review for Californication which is meant to be submitted for Richard's new blog. That went smoothly until I had decided to entertain myself with Kirepapa. All throughout the first episode, I kept on mistaking it for another demented yaoi anime I had watched before where the 'father' was in cahoots with the son in more ways than one. Anyway, it totally woke up my senses that it led me to checking the manga version. The changes and comparison did not vary much but two of the chapters were intentionally not put into the anime version although majority of the panels were adapted onscreen.

That said, I slept past midnight and woke up around nine with my brain and body realizing the consequences of a 250 mph adrenaline rush last night. Inevitably, I have to succumb to the fact that nearly everything turned out rather well today. The four torrent downloads (Rachmaninov, Making of the Resistance--a total fucking failure, Where the Wild Things Are and a BBC Horizon episode) I managed were completed throughout the night and the books I ordered on ebay were delivered on the same day. For the first time since I started buying things online, I came face to face with a courier and my desired package. It's Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr. Fox which was recently adapted to film. The other two books, Voltaire's Candide and a thesaurus, mysteriously landed on my grandparents' house two phases away from us. Even papa was baffled why it reached their home when the packages obviously had enough address details to determine that the street indicated is far from being located at phase 3.

Anyway, it's my sister's birthday today and Uwe and mom are currently in a silent war because my sister only got home this afternoon. Mom has compared my sister and my dad, who's celebrating his birthday tomorrow, since time immemorial that they both run the temperament of an active volcano. I cannot agree more although I'd prefer keeping my gob shut when mom's diatribe still rang my ears invalid.

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