11 January 2010

Show me how it's done

Is it really too much to ask for those big, conglomerate companies to minimize the process for application? Sure, they're big enough to conquer the world in one quaff but what the hell is it with fifteen steps to ensure even the first experience of riding the MRT is indicated on your data? Obviously, a resume sometimes does not cover everything the company needs but jeezy creezy, it's not even worth the effort. I'm also, indubitably, deluding myself if I really think I can get in ADB or UN even without a master's degree. Perhaps it is possible, after all, a high school batchmate recently shared that he's working at ADB and he doesn't even have a dream for the future for heaven's sake. The universe really has a weird sense of humour. I cannot even fathom where its wisdom lies.


Muse's music video for Undisclosed Desires is pretty ridiculous. It has no sensical form whatsoever and apart from that adrogynous dancer doing a piss poor job of a dance interpretation of the song, the whole vid is a mess. Matt's overall appearance is cringe worthy especially those hideous sunglasses. Dom's darker mane suits him more and I reach out in protest why Chris' camera time exceeds that of a blink of an eye. I like the song, really. The bass line, the soft distortion and the chorus treatment are a tad awesome. I can't understand why the vid failed to live up as a tribute to the song.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Hi Juno!

I've always wanted to work for the UN (even just as a volunteer) too..Sadly, I don't pass their standards / requirements - what with just a college diploma and no Master's degree.. Also, a few months back, I checked out ADB's website and holy eff! the minimum work-related experience is 3 or 5 years! T__T