04 September 2010

Final shots

There was an overall sense of detachment in touring the Ayala Museum, but not for it's lack of effort. Rather, I can blame it on my overall exhaustion and ennui. In a way, I enjoyed it. Cors enjoyed it more, I guess since she practically perused every written details on the gold treasures from a millennium ago at the museum's fourth floor. I guess, the third floor which hosted paintings were the best for me, but I learned more about Venice and Constantinople's quests for gold and greed at the fourth floor. Most of Zobel's paintings were abstract based, something I was never fond of as a trying hard artist. Amorosolo's portrait paintings were better, but Zobel's quotidian photographs of the old world showed too much history. The dioramas presenting the country's history were focused more for a child's entertainment. The miniature models of 16th century ships were lovely though. A big thanks to Zafra's contest where I had won my free ticket pass to the museum last year. Haha. It's fortunate that I double checked the expiration which was on September 9 rather than my assumed end of the year. Bleh.

Beth met up with us after her meeting at the office. As usual from my prompting, we had merienda at Conti's (I'm faithful to mango bravo) and then met up with Chard for a much needed laughter time over Miss Universe and Bear Grylls whom I've just heard of for the first time last night. It was a Friday so the usual rush hour held us back from going home to watch Magkaribal. Cors had her pedicure while Beth and I strolled back at SM checking watches and making fun of ourselves in general. I guess, I should appreciate these trips more because I can feel that once school starts, I'll barely be able to loiter online even on weekends.

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