22 August 2010

Still alive

So far so good in my master's processing. I thought the confirmation thing would simply consist of paying for the reservation fee and getting the kit but turns out the uni's way too organized for that. At least they got the online registration; less hassle until the enrollment/orientation day on September. Too many have already asked if I'm excited about it and honestly, not really. I mean, sure, I was ecstatic to see that I got accepted but afterwards, the thought pretty much got sacked at the back of my mind. I had to put several reminders on my phone about the confirmation schedule, which I've initially missed, and now for the online reg and enrollment. I had asked for Zena's guidance last night about some things I needed clarification on, and the best I could hope for right now is that we'll have the same schedule of classes so we could go home together. Might as well prepare myself mentally for the upcoming classes and homework/projects.

Anyway, after the uni I met up with Beth way too early at Makati. We literally had 5 hours of time to spare so we jumped on my idea of watching The Expendables. It's funny that old geezers like Stallone still had the stamina to run around and do hardcore wrestling. The movie was fun in the sense that the script made the movie work in some way; you have to have an inkling of an idea about their signature characters to really appreciate the wit. All of them brawns and half brains with testosterone oozing out of their ears had enough diva-ness in them to beat the Spice Girls. Jason Statham was pure love. I'm terribly biased about him and I know he's aware that the movies he's making aren't up for an Academy anytime soon. Jet Li with a lighter character was a surprisingly good version. Not much scowling and more witty half-baked lines made him the second best in the movie. And all I can think about nearly the entire movie was the abundance of unnecessary close ups you'd think their pores are part of the script. I'd prefer long shots because Stallone's droopy eyes and botox-shocked features were a horror to see. It's nice to see Dolph Lundgren whom I've come to prefer over van Damme anytime due to the long hours of exposure to his films on the bus. The showdown between Lundgren and Li was half amusing, half scary by just the difference in their heights. It's not a movie I'd recommend but it's a good way to pass time. Rather that than In Your Eyes, no? Beth then treated half by my choice at Conti's with a perennial order of mango bravo. The damn cake will leave me bloated in no time it's a boon that there's no near branch near my workplace. She also approved of Cafe Mediterranean's food so a big thanks for that goes to Yvette who initially introduced me to the resto.

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