17 October 2010

Pointless update

Seeing as I had failed to participate in a reunion-like party last year with my college mates, this year sang a different tune. Beth, Zena and I went along after a gruelling wait at Megamall for Chiko, Margz and Yen's shopping spree. It grated on my patience that the meet-up time was one hour fucking late. The videoke bar at Home Depot had good rooms but quite trashy food and song listing. Red Box still rules the videoke scene around the metro. Actually, it isn't much of a reunion but more of a meet up of a big gang with only 12 of us there. I hogged the mic like crazy resulting to an abused larynx and tired body. It was worth it though. Worth seeing folks I haven't seen since graduation which was three years ago and knowing the latest from them. Cors' flying back to Dubai by Wednesday; I'm going to miss her like crazy but our daily chats I doubt will fade despite the distance. Loved the Papelmeroti pocket planner.

Anyway, school's starting to build its own stress factor with my reporting scheduled practically weekly for my two subjects. Nothing too hard though of course, the lessons are building up. Clinte's not particularly a good subject at the moment. I still got no client to interview and I've no idea whom I can invite.

1 comment:

digitalburyong said...

i miss you too! huhu.