22 August 2010

Still alive

So far so good in my master's processing. I thought the confirmation thing would simply consist of paying for the reservation fee and getting the kit but turns out the uni's way too organized for that. At least they got the online registration; less hassle until the enrollment/orientation day on September. Too many have already asked if I'm excited about it and honestly, not really. I mean, sure, I was ecstatic to see that I got accepted but afterwards, the thought pretty much got sacked at the back of my mind. I had to put several reminders on my phone about the confirmation schedule, which I've initially missed, and now for the online reg and enrollment. I had asked for Zena's guidance last night about some things I needed clarification on, and the best I could hope for right now is that we'll have the same schedule of classes so we could go home together. Might as well prepare myself mentally for the upcoming classes and homework/projects.

Anyway, after the uni I met up with Beth way too early at Makati. We literally had 5 hours of time to spare so we jumped on my idea of watching The Expendables. It's funny that old geezers like Stallone still had the stamina to run around and do hardcore wrestling. The movie was fun in the sense that the script made the movie work in some way; you have to have an inkling of an idea about their signature characters to really appreciate the wit. All of them brawns and half brains with testosterone oozing out of their ears had enough diva-ness in them to beat the Spice Girls. Jason Statham was pure love. I'm terribly biased about him and I know he's aware that the movies he's making aren't up for an Academy anytime soon. Jet Li with a lighter character was a surprisingly good version. Not much scowling and more witty half-baked lines made him the second best in the movie. And all I can think about nearly the entire movie was the abundance of unnecessary close ups you'd think their pores are part of the script. I'd prefer long shots because Stallone's droopy eyes and botox-shocked features were a horror to see. It's nice to see Dolph Lundgren whom I've come to prefer over van Damme anytime due to the long hours of exposure to his films on the bus. The showdown between Lundgren and Li was half amusing, half scary by just the difference in their heights. It's not a movie I'd recommend but it's a good way to pass time. Rather that than In Your Eyes, no? Beth then treated half by my choice at Conti's with a perennial order of mango bravo. The damn cake will leave me bloated in no time it's a boon that there's no near branch near my workplace. She also approved of Cafe Mediterranean's food so a big thanks for that goes to Yvette who initially introduced me to the resto.

11 August 2010


I want to see those men who advocate the inhumane gassing of street dogs to undergo the same torture. I want their suffering to be seen by their fucking families so they'll know that just because animals are a step lower than us superior humans, it is not enough excuse to kill like animals. I fucking want them to die. Seriously. Not one human has the right to torture or even domesticate a wild animal. More so to kill them because they're merely loitering around the metro. Just who the fuck is to blame for that?

JFC. If there's anything more lowly than this atrocious act, then I don't know what it is. Genocide, massacre, pillaging are so common in this lifetime you get inured by it.

I wish I never took the time to read PDI's editorial, dammit.

08 August 2010

Vonnegut's 8

Eight rules for writing fiction:

1. Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted.

2. Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for.

3. Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.

4. Every sentence must do one of two things — reveal character or advance the action.

5. Start as close to the end as possible.

6. Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.

7. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.

8. Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To heck with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages.

For the dead writer in me. Someday perhaps, I'll re-unit with my muse.

From [info]vastempires. Many thanks!


Nicked from my LJ

07 August 2010


Patience pays off. I have never been a fan, but at the greatest moments in my life I seem to have the natural capability to extend a sympathizing thought for it. At any rate, it landed me in the successful uncovering of two books of the Enderverse: Speaker for the Dead and Ender's Shadow. Provided, I underwent a continental toil of scouring around bookstores around the metro for it only to lead me to the inescapably seductive Booksale. The particular surplus shop of books gives light to the imaginative and obsessive side of me. In the peak of my existence and interest, I sniff and comb through each and every book that passes through my fingers. Nothing goes unnoticed by my myopic, perennially exhausted eyes. The miraculous moment happened at the most unexpected moment; while half-heartedly checking . I was perusing books in a leisurely manner, at a point where I'm mentally half resigned to an Ender-less month, when I shifted a stack and voila, Speaker for the Dead was staring straight back at me. Gasping has never been more vindicated. Catching Ender's Shadow, a shelf below the pot of gold was a consolation in advance. Unearthing two books in one night prompted me to turn the bookstore upside down. Frank Herbert, John Grisham, Tami Hoag kept staring back at me. Herbert, I know in the near future, I shall haunt your works in the same way I've been contemplating life in congruence with finding Enderverse books. But for now, I shall drift by Hard-boiled Wonderland with the occasional nips with Greek Mythology before I settle for my grand prize.

05 August 2010


There's a borderline between an elegant and ostentatious wedding. You haul half the guests around Manila for the preparations, wedding and the reception, I doubt even your in-laws would be happy about that. To think that you also live a miserable life since elementary days that you drag a college mate as the maid of honor just because you have this coloured view of abusing her for pathetic requests of call credits. Seriously, are you gagging for the marriage because you cannot wait to be enslaved to a nitwit of a man or because you're salivating at the idea of living in the States? Either of the two is a wretched decision. And since you're aiming it to be your wedding and not you and your fiance's wedding, then you also made sure that you'll invite half the socialites/trying hard in the class to flaunt your feathers. And your wedding gown is more than 50 grand? I hope your future husband won't find himself working to the bones the day after your ceremony to pay for the debts you're intent to busting.

Anyway, that's what you get for chatting with Yvette whom I haven't seen for more than a year. We live at the opposite sides of the metro and we circulate with different peers so the pinnacle of gossip and family drama are uncensored. I had fun eating to my heart's content at Tokyo Tokyo in Glorietta 5, which I have to emphasize their beyond the moon sucktastic service; why did they even bother doing the formal dining setting if they're doing it half baked? And because I'm still high for mango bravo, dessert was at Conti's--a conio version of Goldilocks, I swear. I hate the ambiance because half the city is dining there and you cannot hear each other's voices because the other table's occupants are simply raucous in their suits and bootlicking. Well at least I won't have to pester Yvette for the next 6 months to meet up and chat. Next one would be Margz, I suppose, for next Saturday and unless Yen decides to push for a party the same day, then we might as well join the gang to save a penny or two.

I seriously was looking forward to scout around Makati's bookstores for Ender's Game series. I've scoured 3 bookstores, 7 branches to no avail. It's beyond hope, I'm falling in a depressed state. I got sick and tired of hearing them say 'out of stock'. It's the only book I'm really willing to lose sleep over at the moment. Powerbooks and Fully Booked both offered to get me a special order but that's going to be a waste of money if I didn't get the complete series when it'll be shipped from abroad. My last chance will be SM Fairview  since half the populace around the area are cavemen. I got Edith Hamilton's Greek Mythology as a consolation price though. I've had this book before, but like some of my books it disappeared into thin air. I was in the middle of reading the Trojan War when went it went MIA on me. But I'm stuck with Hard-boiled Wonderland until then.


The brilliance of August aside from the downpour is the football season nearing its kick off! Real Madrid had their first friendly for the 2010/2011 campaign this afternoon against Club America Mexico (weird club name) with a 2-3 deal. It's orgasmic to see the players in white again after all the drama during the World Cup! And just so, I terribly missed seeing Granero, who played brilliantly in the game. BB Guti (aka Sergio Canales) scored the first goal, and what a way to seal the deal for Mourinho, no? It's amazing and exhilarating to see the Castilla players having a chance to show their talent in the second half. Honestly, it was too hot and the game was a tad boring in the first half, which made me watch it half heartedly. I also noticed that Cristiano Ronaldo seemed less diva like in the pitch with his dying swan stunts. Good call for him after all the negative reputation he's been getting ever since. I'm excited for their friendly versus LA Galaxy! OMG it's David Beckham vs Iker Casillas. Ah the Becksillas era still shines through. I cannot wait.