15 April 2010

Cautious, subtle, canned

Because genius is beyond words.

Gate is down

It doesn't take a course in rocket science to appreciate the beauty of Ender's Game. It appealed to my perverted imagination how the plot efficiently portrayed a belief in being the master of your own self. I didn't have the time to pity or favor Ender in his plight of denial and futile submission into how he was shaped. The battle school--Card's sole idea that sprouted Ender's Game--reminded me of its parallelism with Lord of the Flies and Battle Royale although Card came up with the thought from Asimov. And honestly, a book has never been this exhilaratingly crafted and magnificent since... probably One Hundred Years of Solitude. I had to drop by at McDonald's near our house to finish the last few pages of the story,  and tackle the introduction because postponing it to morning would be an unforgivable act. Even if it was past one in the morning. So thanks a big bunch to Richard for extending the loan of the book. I really was pressured (haha) to finish it before weekend, but surprisingly the book ran me through easily. It's pretty safe to say that folks who have inclination for anime and manga would totally dig this book. Mind you, Ender's no Heero Yuy or Ikari Shinji but the afflicted denominator lies in them being forced into adulthood at a too young age.

Reunion with French classmates was pretty much a success minus Sherwin who was bedraggled by meetings so late in the night. We tried Mr. Rockefeller at Greenbelt (because they had to make me run from Shangri-la to Makati) with our eyes squinting for the steep prices. It's pretty justified though, the side dishes were brilliant though their pomodoro was a bath away from being pansit palabok. No one's going to beat Cafe Mediterranean for their lamb dishes though. There's a plan for another reunion this time with the goal of leaving our pockets more intact by picking Ma Mon Luk at Quiapo. Sherwin will have to do the honors of the bill haha. Hopefully it will push though or I'll have to drag Beth next week to try the food and buy DVDs.

To my hedonistic school, especially the registrar, if it would be possible to be more responsible in your transactions, hordes of people would appreciate it. Who in their right, sane thinking would assume I did not pass my request letter when they themselves gave me the 7-day turn around time to process it? And don't start with the price of that goddamned honorable dismissal because heaven fucking knows I'll dismiss you all right when don't find that piece of paper.

09 April 2010

A bit more pleasant

Being boxed in the ears by Dr. F brings out an inner masochistic tendency in me. It is in a foreboding sense of cringe-worthy affair that my former professor will give me the gospel of a lifetime for initially sending her a recommendation for a French master's degree. Good thing I had a recommendation form for a clinical degree at hand or else the episode would have turned uglier. But really, Dr. F's ways have rarely changed in the last few years I haven't seen her. The dry remarks on my losing weight is kind of getting tiring already too--with her and most of my long-time-no-see acquaintances noting it. As it turns out, she also had her share of ridiculous college moments with classmates and professors. So most likely than not, in generalizing the academe societal evolution, professors also had their share of the pranks and spoils of being a college student. It's not like I felt any more guilty of the clowning I did in school back then. Anyway, applying for a master's degree is all tedious and money consuming. What kind of school charges four hundred bucks for an honourable dismissal? I hope they make sure the letter body is written in gold ink because it's all fucked up if that's the usurious way of a school these days. Really. I have to thank Zena for picking up the bill for my good moral character.

Work is testing my patience right now. I have to go to Fort Bonifacio on Monday to gather answer sheets. These damn codswallop of papers are downright useless to find. First, because it was not part of the SOP to keep them because hey, it wasn't even part of the SOP for revisions to take place. Trying to find an untarnished year to get data for item analysis is a brilliant idea written in water. The best each major service can produce right now is several stacks of answer sheets from two years ago. That means the desire for item analysis, much more the progress of the project, is in the ruins. The project team has decided to pursue what is left to be salvage, and that is not good enough. That is never good enough if the foundation of doing a test revision is at hand. I want a new job right now. It brings Dr. Facto's freshly served lecture about the responsibilities of untwisted knowledge and principles of psychology in shame. I bet Beth can empathize with my plight; she had a three day taste of possibilities the project will be subjected to when I dragged her to the summit.

In relation to my work and my impending application for a master's degree, I've decided to scout for an SPSS-like Ubuntu alternative program. I found myself leaning towards R, one of the more flexible statistics program based on a single forum I've explored. So as soon as I've gained enough consciousness today, I exerted the effort to download the program and dragged another person to find a good gui for it. RKWard fitted the bill; it made R look a lot similar to SPSS, which I'm a tad grateful for. Not that I'm an acclaimed virtuoso of SPSS. I can still recall the absolute failure I encountered in college when I had to do a shotgun experiment with the program for our thesis. It went down the drain and back, in a manner of speaking. R looks a bit daunting for an inutile like me, but I have to force myself upon the program if I need to come out unscathed with my current work, and the looming portent of failing a stat subject.

World Cup (hearing the term has never been the same after watching a particular episode of Katekyo Hitman Reborn, haha) is nearing so that means before everyone goes hopping and hollering for their respective countries, folks have to settle first with the Champions League and in my case, La Liga. El Clasico part two will be held tomorrow at Bernabeu. That means a whole lot of pressure and stress for the Los Merengues if they fail to win again. I haven't seen a Real Madrid game for months, and I'm all in limbo as to what their current status is. I'm all cheering for my team still. So it's going to be an early night tomorrow to wake up and prepare for the game of this season. Hala Madrid!

04 April 2010

Kind of

Right, it's not entirely their fault my description of a mullet is close to none. I partially got the shorter front end but it's all blasted in a layered fashion. I can now foresee the beating my hair will get when I get to the office tomorrow. And please, Sir Glenn, stop giving any durian related product every time you visit Davao. There are fruits such as pomelo and mangoes, which hopefully are not that unheard of in your part of the city.

Anyway, I'm done with Merchant of Venice and isn't that a bit daunting for Portia to allow Antonio to live with them? That's more like pushing the mistress of the house as the third wheel with all that reasoning Bassanio drilled in defense to his missing ring. It's going to be a total mess if Portia catches the two men in flagrante delicto--as an unwritten sequel. Shakespeare still had enough brain to save his balls not to pursue that kind of plot. Haha. Atonement's next!

02 April 2010

Parched brain

The Arrabiata was a big failure. I have to blame the tacky pasta I bought, which I cooked to the extreme (I sound like Sasagawa Ryohei, haha) soggy sorry state it is in. I didn't bother buying that canned Italian spaghetti sauce assuming a can of tomato paste was sufficient in locking in the flavours and aping the taste I was sincerely aiming for. Those priggish assumptions cost me a meant to be decent supper. I would've washed the waterlogged noodles down the toilet bowl if it weren't for my parents' nagging that will cost me more than the moolah I threw for the sustenance.

Earlier on, before the successful ruination of my kitchen skills, I led our dogs to the park for a quick run. An obviously breed dog with its pimpy master started yowling dog profanities at my three dogs who probably got curious, and decided to investigate the discombobulated dog. Pimpy master and educationally challenged pack discouraged a not really turning out into dog brawl (because that would just be to plebe for my dogs). It led me to recalling Eddie Izzard's take on a certain dog food.

Buy Mr. Dog! For small yappy-type dogs!

And maybe they'll shut the fuck up.

It would've been lovely to regale those Neanderthals with a quality gag, but I doubt their neurons could take such high amount of energy draining aptitude for that. I don't murder for fun, after all.

Hop on to the Merchant of Venice--why yes, I'm on to Act V. But not before relishing Shakespeare's perverted (read: cunning) idealism on Antonio and Bassanio confessing their love for each other in high court with Portia bearing witness to the act albeit in man disguise. Surely, Bassanio's affection for his long time friend could not surpass his adoration for his newly wedded wife, but noooo... Bassanio just had to sprout his utmost fidelity to Antonio. For lending him enough guts to take on Portia's Turandot tendency. Giddiness and sweat made Act IV all the more unexpectedly desirable. It's just as bad for Bassanio to give up on his wedding ring, which he had sworn to his wife he would never succumb the item to any duress. Good luck with the missus, I'd say. And what of Shylock? Oh, bah. He's not worth mentioning amidst the sexual tension brewing between the male protagonists. What bond?

I seriously need a big time-out if I want to simultaneously relish Katekyo Hitman Reborn and Saiyuki Reload (and Gunlock et al., that goes without saying). Because wishing for a peaceful and productive day in his house is beyond impossible, It is within the absolute reach of the gods for it to be granted immediately.

And why in Merlin's balls is it so goddamn hot? The least this godforsaken archipelago could do is drown in rainwater, and start pushing up daisies. But the countrymen would hail injustice come rain or shine so what's the big difference?

01 April 2010

Joke or two

I'm not entirely sure what job I really want to pursue after this brief stint with my current occupation. It's an idea I'm not terribly fond of smiting neurons over; there's still the lingering drive to get on with a good paying job, but the suffering of my hapless soul rests with my idea of a job. What's the least time consuming job there is? I'd prefer if I go sit the entire day being a bum. Would I get paid for that? It's probably why I'm pushing too hard to study again. The temptation of going back to school is all alluring especially when I'm burned out of my work or any new job for that matter.

Anyway, my hacking up a lung for the past days is killing me. It's like a spawned a demon in my pulmonary tract--all outrageous and scandalous. It's been a demented week for my health. I'm in no hurry to come down with the cold so rest in peace liver, for we shall meet in the afterlife. Downing two tablets and a healthy doze of steroid will surely lead me far.

Perhaps I can continue editing my old fics these coming days. It's not like I'll be off anywhere canoodling with friends like there's not tomorrow. What's the point? Every hypocrite Catholic is off for either vacation or a mass produced, commercialized act of suffering. I doubt it's going to be a productive week in this household with the lack of cable telly. I have a handful of films lined up in my hard drive though. Sir Erick was kind enough to provide me a copy of the Meatball cartoon and Atonement. I gave him a copy of In the Loop, which I have yet to check if he were able to find humour in the film. I should've extended my patience and given him a copy of Eddie Izzard, but that's for next week. I was re-watching Definite Article earlier and paid no heed to the logic of it being a bad act especially when tolerating rough coughs. Easier said than done though when boredom cannot even entirely define the state I'm swimming in.