25 December 2010

Looking back

 I'm too high-strung for my own good. Even my psychological assessment made proof of that. In relation to that floppy introduction, I'm quite desperate in getting back to writing because let's face it, it's one of the best catharsis in this universe. I recall having a jolly good laugh at our Clinte class on how impassioned our personal histories came about, which our prof quite understood mostly because work plus post grad studies were an intoxicating mix.

I got to check my Writing folder and prioritized some WIPs. Out of all of them, I'm quite eager to get back to my collaborative fic with [info]marley_station (no promise though, sorry! >_<), a Shika/Neji fic which has been paused since early this year. Admittedly, my passion for Naruto has died along Bleach but I still hold a tiny flame for my OTPs in those fandoms; they got me out of limbo back then, after all. Heaven knows I can't write something decent in this house because there's too many people and I value silence like whoa. I'm still planning where I can get some creative juices brewing (the mall and coffee shops are not my thing). I once thought of going back to longhand writing; I did during my initial years in college then I got my laptop and it all went down the drain. The lack of internet is also a helpful one because my attention span is worse than a ADHD's especially when I get email notifications. Too many external factors. /o\

On another thought, I quite like the idea of [info]kinkme_merlin. If I get my guts up and running, I would love to settle for a prompt. I have tons of prompts mind you, but at this point I don't see any beauty in taking up my own ideas.

If anyone stumbles on this post, what is your personal 'conducive for writing' setting is?

I just got tired of reading too many Merlin fics. I want some respite for my eyes lol.

Merry Christmas, btw! \o/

Cross-posted this from my LJ so don't bother if you already read it there.

09 December 2010

Just done

It's nothing pleasurable but I kind of missed this post-project exhaustion because it might be a tiredness but it's tinged with pleasure for at least a job done. I've scheduled three days starting today to be be each devoted to a project to finish. So far, at least I was able to finish a first draft for my case study in Psychopathology. I'm a bit more satisfied since I think I did a better job than planned. I can at least review this by Monday. Thank you, Dr. Della for using the wonders of technology for I shall not have to go to school to pass a hardcopy. Unfortunately for ClinTe, I have to pass it typewritten and before 1700H. /o\ I got a meeting that day and I had to beg my boss to start the meeting an hour earlier so I can fly off to school on time. Good thing boss is pretty understanding.

Speaking of work, assessment report is finally approved from the top which means we can proceed with the item pooling aside from the SOP revision. Had a brief chat with the boss asking him that if we can outsource the development of the abstract subtest, why not the remaining other 2 then? To which he actually had a underhanded strategy for that. Forgot to mention that to boss #2 though.

Anyway, I may have thought of re-scheduling the Christmas trip with my friends this Sunday but I let it be. One last fun before the submission of projects and exam.


I did wake up for the Real Madrid match earlier but decided to doze off since my body was lead-heavy. It's a damn unfortunate thing though since the match was good and I really want to see a canterano play. And dammit, I doubt I can watch RM's next game since that's my ultimate rest after the Christmas date with my friends. I'll be knackered to the ground to even set up my laptop, I guess. I'll anticipate the match against Sevilla as the nearest apt sched for me.

I'm down to a single post monthly. FML.